Born: 1987
Lives and works in: Vienna- AU, Budapest - HU
2011-2015: Academy of Applied Arts Vienna, Graphic Design, Prof. Oliver Kartak
2006-2010: Technical University Vienna, Architecture, Prof. William Alsop
2004-2008: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Kontextual Painting, Prof. Muntean- Rosenblum / Krystufek / Schreil
2006: Summer Academy Salzburg, Andrea Fogli (Rome, Drawing and Illustration)
2003: Summer Academy Salzburg, Rivka Rinn (Berlin-Rome, Photography and Digital Media)
2002: Summer Academy Salzburg, Caroline Broadhead (London, Fashiondesign)
Künstlerhaus Wien
2018: Prize of EGA Frauen Art Award Österreich, Vienna
2017: Prize of the VI. Water and Life International Biennale
2017: Art Award 2017, 2nd place category painting/graphics, Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs, Vienna
2017: LaFemme 50 Tehetséges Magyar Fiatal – LaFemme 50 Talented Young Hungarians
2014: Roter Teppich für junge Kunst Vienna, Anrkennungspreis
2007: Second Life Architecture Award: Best 40
2006: Scholarship of the Summer Academy Salzburg
2019: Kolja Kramer Fine Arts, Vienna
2019: Kunthalle, Mücsarnok Budapest
2019: EGA Frauen im Zentrum, Wien
2018: Ar2day Gallery, Budapest
2017: Kempinski Art Soireé- Dolce Vita, Ar2day Gallery, Budapest
2017: Berekai Art Studio, Budapest, O tempora o mores, Budapest
2017: Austria Auction Company, O tempora o mores, Wien
2015/16: Ega, Hedonati,Wien
2015: Red Carpet Showroom, Wien
2015: Symbol Galéria, Hedonati, Budapest
2014: Próféta Galéria, Virtaura, Budapest
2014: Red Carpet Showroom, Wien
2013: MOYA (Museum of Young Art), Looking back to the future-10 Years Naomi Devil, Vienna
2013: VIRTAURA, Kunstverein Köszeg
2012: Gallery Szatyor, Deep blue se(e)lf, Budapest
2012: Exhibition Hall, Kalocsa
2011: Kunsthalle Szombathely, Metaverse art, Szombathely
2009: Gallery Artitude, Budapest
2008: Museum Postsparkasse, X-ist, Resist, X-cite,Vienna
2007: Hungarian Cultural Center, SPACE WARP, Prague
2006: Gallery Mucius, DOWNLOAD::MEDIA, Budapest
2006: MOYA Vienna, 4 solo exhibitions: Naomi Devil, Adam Bota, Jaye, Stylianos Schicho
2005: Gallery Art Position,Vienna
2005: Gallery Mucius, PINKFERNO, Budapest
2019: Rejtélyes történetek, Válogatás a Braun Gyűjteményből, UP Rendezvénytér, Budapest
2019: ARTMESSENGER Art Fair, Kubik Coworking, Budapest
2019: RAF Resident Art Fair, Atelier Pro Arts, Budapest
2019: Ar2day Gallery + Fashion Street Gallery, Women / Art / Fashion, Budapest
2019: International Feminist Art Festival, Vienna
2019: Resident Art Garden, Nagy Gyula Alapítvány, Lovas
2019: Budapest Bizarre, Loft B111, Budapest
2019: Ziggy Art Fair, Pintér Galéria, Budapest
2019: Nicholas Treadwell Art Collection, Wien
2019: Art and Antique Fair, Millenáris Park, Ar2day Gallery booth, Budapest
2019: WIKAM Frühjahrsmesse, GPLContemporary booth Palais Ferstel, Wien
2018: RAF Resident Art Fair, Atelier Pro Arts, Budapest
2018: Y Generation Art Fair- Godot Galéria, Goldberger Institute of Contemporary Art, Budapest
2018: LATARKA Kortárs Művészeti Vásár,PRÓBAüzem kiállítótér, Budapest
2018: Museum of Fine Arts - Szépművészeti Múzeum, OTPVRMuzeum, Budapest
2018: Paralell Vienna Art Fair, Wien
2018: Peace, Kolja Kramer Fine Arts, Semperdepot, Wien
2018: Yound Vienna Surreal, Kolja Kramer Fine Arts, Wien
2018: Vasarely hungarikonok, Eszterházy-kastély, Fertőd
2018: Vasarely Hungarikonok, Pécsi Galéria, Pécs
2018: Varasely Hungarikonok, Erdész Galéria, Szentendre
2017: VI. Water and Life International Biennale, Baja
2017: Cserni Art Foundation, Kunst 4.0 (C. Eisenberger, Devil, Goldscheyder, Nubauer) Vienna
2017: Ar2day Gallery, Summer in the City Show, Budapest
2017: Vaszary Villa, Balaton-nyár-szerelem, Balatonfüred
2017: MODEM, X-Y Generáció, Debrecen
2017: Auróra, The morning after, Budapest
2017: Molnár Csilla Andrea memorial exhibition, Kripta-villa, Fonyód
2016: Latarka Galéria, Terítve, Budapest
2016: Bartók 135, Deák 17 Galéria, Budapest
2015: EXPO MILANO, Milano
2015-16: Maschinenmensch, Fabrica de Pensule, Cluj-Napoca
2015: Maschinenmensch, Deák17 Galéria, Budapest
2015: Festival für Junge Kunst, Künstlerhaus, Wien
2015: The Essence, Künstlerhaus, Wien
2015: Die Kunst als Waffe- Waffe in der Kunst, Bildraum 07, Wien
2015: Austrian cultural forum: Red Carpet Art Award, Opatija
2015: Between the Volga and the Danube, European Center for Fine Arts, Bratislava
2015: Between the Volga and the Danube, Russian Academy of Arts-Tsereteli Art Gallery, Moscow
2015: Hotel RUM Art Project (organised by ArtForward)
2015: Deak 17 Galeria: Gepemberek (Maschinenmensch), Budapest
2015: Junge Kunst Parcours, Anker Brotfabrik, Wien
2015: Galerie Störpunkt: Zukunfts sichten in vorwärtsdenken, München
2015: OZORA Festival Gallery
2014: Várbazár: Hungarikonok, Budapest
2014: Filmcasino: Plakatausstellung, Wien
2014: Junge Kunst Parcours, Anker Brotfabrik, Vienna
2014: Austrian cultural forum: Royal Dreams-Glorious Future, Opatija
2014: OZORA Festival Gallery
2014: The Essence, Künstlerhaus, Wien
2014: Just European?, EGA, Wien
2013: MOYA, Young Art Hungary
2013: Das Exponential, organised by Ausarten, Wien
2013: MOYA Annuale
2013: The Virtual World in Reality, Gallery Szatyor, Budapest
2012: Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfels: Hommage an mich, Vienna
2012: Institut hongrois de Paris: Shöffer dan le monde, Paris
2012: International ArtExpo: Hidden and Forbidden Identities, Italy Venice
2012: NUS 2012, Split
2011: Gallery Stephan Stumpf: Die Verführkraft schöner Kunst,Munich
2010: Degree Art London
2010: Nord Art, Büdelsdorf
2010: Wir leben und arbeiten in Wien, Area 35, Vienna
2009: Nőnem/Women, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Center, Kecskemét
2008: Budapest Fair, Karton Gallery and Museum
2008: Embodyment, Academy of Fine Arts, Aula,Vienna
2007: Gallery Exner, POP 07, Vienna
2006: GalleryExner, Junge Sommer,Vienna
2006: Art.Fair Cologne, Gallery Exner, Cologne
2006: Ernst Museum Dorottya Gallery, Budapest
2005: IZD Tower, Devil and Garcia Pozo,Vienna
2005: MOYA (Museum of Young Art): New Romantics,Vienna
2005: Art Position, Ottakringer Brauerei, Vienna
2005: Selfportait UK 14-19, Touring exhibition: Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens, Manchester Art Gallery,
National Museum & Gallery Cardiff, Peterborough Digital Arts Museum & Gallery, The New Art Gallery Walsall,
National Portrait Gallery London, London Underground -
2004: Brick Lane Art: Art In Mind, London
"What would it be like to be put in the shoes of the great figures of bygone centuries and to paint a self-portrait as Rembrandt himself or to draw a laser sword as Athos, Porthos or Aramis? What would it be like to pop into a shopping centre of the future? Naomi Devil knows. Who can decide whether she is traveling in time or time itself is shifting, and whether Naomi is haunted by apparitions of the past, or rambling amidst visions of the future? This is a riddle similar to the aporia of Chuang Tzu, who awoke from his sleep and could not decide whether he had dreamed of being a butterfly or the butterfly was then dreaming of being him.
Everything seems to be possible in the 21st century. There is no need for psychoactive drugs because technique takes you anywhere. While Alice reached into the realm of miracles through a mirror, Naomi was sucked into the virtual worlds of the online game Second Life, where her avatar took adventures among fantastic 3D buildings she had built herself.
Naomi Devil is a contemporary painter par excellence. She devours everything offered by our digital era. Both the aesthetics of Baroque masters and the visual worlds of science-fiction appear on her menu. As the invention of the daguerreotype started a revolution in the nineteenth century, likewise the visual arts of our times have been transformed by the computer and the World Wide Web. Not only are perspectives changing, but technique as well, which is not surprising. Already in the Middle Ages, countless ingenious devices were used to assist in drawing. Neither Vermeer in the 17th century nor Canaletto a few decades later was reluctant to use the camera obscura. Painters have always appropriated the innovations of their eras. Naomi Devil also boldly takes advantage of Photoshop, but the created image serves only as a starting point to her paintings. Skills in painting and knowledge of various techniques are indispensable, but she has mastered both. This is revealed by her several non-photo-based works.
Naomi Devil’s works are characterized by a very intense visual effect achieved both through composition and the use of color. It is all the same whether she is painting a psychedelic dream lit by the exaggerated neon colors of night-time bars and advertisements, or looking for the glimmering effect of Rembrandt’s nearly monochrome golden-brown palette; whether she is touching on reminiscences of surrealism and pop-art, or evoking Schiele’s line-drawings with charcoal and oil on a raw canvas.
Resembling Baroque and Mannerist paintings, her compositions are profusely dense — a sumptuous display of sensuous delight. Her futuristic paintings are similar: only the choices of figures, clothes, and objects are different.
Members of a consumer society are constantly exposed to a barrage of visual stimuli. Whether at home or on the streets, citizens of a metropolis live their daily lives surrounded by relentlessly flashing lights. The people, hungry for information, are not only able but indeed forced to use several newer and newer electronic devices at the same time. They divide their attention between television sets, laptops and smartphones. The web simultaneously bombards them with its messages. These kinds of pulsating dynamics characterize Naomi Devil’s paintings, even those which are melancholic or less intense. At first sight, the mind is not able to encompass all the details. The eyes need some time to scan the picture, because the devil hides in the details — in the best sense."
written by Zoltán Rokenbauer, curator of the Kunsthalle Budapest